By Dion Chang and Raleen Bagg
N – Natural world (eco trend)
Security estates for endangered species in South Africa.
Rhino poaching incidents in South Africa rose by 440% between 2008 and 2014. Poachers killed a record 1004 rhino across the country in 2013, the equivalent of almost three rhino a day. Time is fast running out for saving the rhino. A new way of tackling the problem is urgently needed. The rhino protection zone is an effectual initiative from the Rhino Pride Foundation. The intention is to purchase 100 000ha of land early 2016, with the first phase of rhinos in place in the zone by end 2016.
In discussion with rhino owners, it was learnt that there is a need for a safe zone where they can confidently leave their animals and pay a monthly fee for their protection and safety. This option works out to be more cost-effective than the anti-poaching security currently used on their farms. Keeping the animals safe protects the owners’ assets, which will, hopefully, increase in value over time. Initially, the secure zone will provide a safe haven for rhinos, expanding in time to include other endangered species. The founders of the Rhino Pride Foundation will acquire the animals and various breeding programmes will be established.
Click here to see the rest of the Trends for 2016.
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