
Aftershocks and Opportunities – Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic Future

Posted by Flux on 

3 October 2024
What are the possibilities for the future in a post-pandemic world?
An Opportunity for Fresh Perspectives

While the world grapples with the current unfolding crisis, as futurists we know how important it is to also be thinking about the next horizon and beyond. This can help ensure that the decisions we make today do not simply lay the foundation for a new set of problems over the horizon. Equally, understanding the types of future that might emerge post-crisis can help us plan and prepare for those possibilities as we reshape our strategies today. Finally, such future insights might help us spot, train for, and adapt to the new opportunities, risks, and challenges that could arise as a post-pandemic world unfolds.

A Global Collaboration

In response to the need for future perspectives, Fast Future wanted to create this fast track book, which draws on the expertise, insight, ambition, and vision of twenty five future thinkers from around the world. The goal is to provide individuals, leaders, and organizations with foresight, insight, challenge, visionary thinking, and navigational guidance on what lies ahead.

Scenarios for A Post-Pandemic Future

The common goal of this group of writers is to provide provocations that will take the public discourse beyond the current debate. The aim is to acknowledge their importance and think about how we can create a safer and more sustainable world beyond reproduction numbers, testing strategies, personal protective equipment, lockdown policies, vaccination, and economic support. As many have said, a crisis is an ideal time to reset our thinking, refocus our strategies and policies, and try new ideas designed to lay the foundation for the next the future and what comes after that. A future that the authors believe can be fairer, more inclusive, more transparent, and more sustainable for all.

Four Core Themes

The concise, insightful, and action enabling ideas and provocations in this book are presented as an exploration of possible scenarios and development paths across four key domains that we believe should be if interest politicians, business leaders, civil society activities, and most importantly, the ordinary citizens of this planet:

Critical shifts – exploring the developments taking place across every aspect of our collective thinking as a result of the pandemic experience.

Society and Social Policy – examining the implications and opportunities for the fabric and infrastructure of society  as we look to tackle both the existing persistent challenges and the new ones that have arisen through the crisis, framing an agenda for what could be developed in what many commentators are calling  the future “new normal”.

Government and Economy – assessing how governments are and should be grappling with the challenges and consequences of balancing health and economic protection and recovery during and post-pandemic.

Business and Technology – outlining the possible implications, opportunities, and choices for business and our use of technology. Exploring how we might solve critical questions posed by the pandemic and lay the foundation for the future across health, education, social structures, commerce, and the design of our organizations.

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