Clients share what they thought of our content offerings…
Flux Trends’ Square Pegs and Round Holes: Why Companies can’t Innovate Open Session Praise:
“The session was an eye-opener and very informative. It was my first session and I shall not miss any of the sessions going forward.”
– Tshidi Morabi, Managing Director – Ginini Consulting“It was fabulous to sit back and relax and listen to how creative and innovative the world has become but also to recognise that SA has it’s own set of problems to solve. As a mom of two teenage daughters I appreciate his comments about seeing things through the eyes of a child and giving them a voice. Am so pleased that he acknowledged the socially conscious Gen Z (and of course, diversity in general), so that we don’t stagnate but innovate. Dion managed to capture so much in a hour in an entertaining and energising manner.”
– Anna Riviere, Forum and Conference Coordinator – The University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science“I always find Dion’s presentations very insightful. I find that his style of presenting ‘the headlines’ in bite-size snippets with real-world examples makes it easy to get a good overall view of the trends in a relatively short space of time. He always gets my brain working. Thank you.”
– Greg Mommsen, Business Development Director – Colchacchio
Clients share what they thought of our content offerings…
Flux Trends’ The Importance of Inclusive Diversity in an Era of Identity Politics Open Session Praise:
“The Open session challenged my thinking around traditionally held notions of identity and certainly provoked thought of how to incorporate inclusive diversity in to our workplace.”– Siva Gengan, CEO LegalWise
“I found the session informative and it opened up how I think about Diversity and Inclusion. It’s about more than making sure that women are as equally represented in boardrooms as men are but more about looking at the current environment we found ourselves in. I really wanted the session to go on for much longer.”– Nondy Blose, Account Manager – Fleishman
“The seminar on the Importance of Inclusive Diversity in an era of personality politics was very insightful. I really enjoyed the activity we started with; and one of my key learnings was that we will have to start having more conversations (however uncomfortable it may make us) about this topic and that we can unlearn some of the ideas we grew up with. Thank you for an interesting topic.”– Marc Kuypers, Training Consultant – Discovery Insure
“It’s a culture shock for the generations before. It is so untapped it is so unpredictable. I like the way that it was an extended TED talk. It was really punchy. You got a whole lot of content in just a little while. So the presentation itself was excellent.”– Jessica Govender, Attacq
“It’s good to marry the two. Dion has come to some retail work for the team and it is good to see why the trends are going the way they are and it is also good to see that our marketing efforts are handled in the right way. Some scary moments.”– Minisha Patel, Attacq
“I thought the presentation was very future forward and I really appreciated the attention that it gave to the consumer – what the evolving consumer is, what the evolving consumer may want. I found it useful as a marketer. The scariness is just the speed at which one has to keep up with the trends and to actively get to that predictive part where you are actually predicting what your consumer might do based on data.”
– Kim Thipe
Flux Trends’ From Wellness to Well-being: The need for Human-Centric Workspaces Open Session Feedback:
Thoughts on the Presentation:
“I really enjoyed the presentation, there is a lot of relevant information that you can take back to your company”.Take home:
“What Dion presented was really valid, you need to engage with the person on different levels… Companies need to engage with the whole person (employees).”
– James Vosloo – Cash ConnectThoughts on the Presentation:
“The presentation was good, there were concepts that companies should ideally look at. Taking into account that there are a lot of people who have become victims to depression.”Take home:
“People need flexibility in the workplace so that they can look forward to the next day.”
– Francis Tsiri – South African Reserve BankThoughts on the Presentation:
“We are currently working on a project called ‘Productive Me’. The Flux Wellness presentation was a confirmation of our thought process in terms of the well-being of employees. The presentation was an indication that we are on the right track and it also showed that there are some things we need to go back and strengthen.”
– Nokwazi Tshabalala – FNB, Pop Design DepartmentThoughts on the Presentation:
“Looking at our demographic there were a lot of aspects that weren’t completely surprising. I am aware of certain themes mentioned, I was however surprised at the reaction of the crowd. Personally, I think some of the stats are quite scary, I also share the same fear Dion has on the nudge theory. But I also see the positive side.”Take home:
“For a long time, people have had this perception that businesses are institutions that are self-serving, but that idea seems to be shifting.”
– Kyle Mclntyre – Freelance Web Developer
Flux Trends’ Zeitgeist 2018 – From Woke to Wide Awake Open Session Feedback:
Thoughts on the Presentation:
“I thought the presentation was very insightful as always, I always like to see what Dion Chang has to say, I like how he integrates things from different businesses.”Take home:
“Integration with regards to the shifts in identity, fluidity and empowering the minority group.”
– Heidi Svendsen – LISOFThoughts on the Presentation:
“I was blown away, the way Dion talks about trends that are 6 months to a year away. One thing I am worried about is if the people around us are ‘woke’ to this.”Take home:
“The mind boggles to where technology is taking us, looking at generation Alpha and I kind of wonder what comes after that.”
– Julie Ally – CII Radio and ITvThoughts on the Presentation:
“Every time I come to a Flux Trends Open Session, I learn something new. Its great seeing where the future is headed.”Take home:
“I’m pro neo-feminism, I’m for it and I’m loving it. Its time woman show that we are as good as we think we are. I loved the term sologamy.”
– Nolwazi Tshabalala – Mc CainThoughts on the Presentation:
“The presentation encompassed everything that is in our minds right now, it said everything that most people want to say. More than that the presentation touches on the question ‘what are we going to do about it’ in 2018/19 and the next few years, because it’s all in front of us.”Take home:
“Effects of masculinity and how feminism is fighting that. But I’m also not sure if it’s directly addressing it.”
– Sakumzi Qumana – Clarify
Flux Trends’ The New Rules of Retail Laboratory feedback:
Thoughts on the Lab:
“Very insightful presentation from an integration of technology and a physical space point of view. It’s going to be, from an architectural point of view to how we integrate the two in a holistic way.”Take home:
“Purpose and value, I sometimes think developers forget that there is purpose and value when they are building shopping centres”.– Stacy Leader – Paragon Architects.
Thoughts on the Lab:
“Very informative, there’s lots that needs to be implemented across industries and hopefully that will change the way we think.”Take home:
“We have got lots of work to do. We need to change shopping centres in general.”– Marijike Arran – Retail Network Services
SPAR Tops KZN gives feedback on our News Rules of Retail Presentation:
“The cage rattler delivered on his promise and did just that, disrupting our thinking and causing us to make sure we don’t get left behind as the world moves ahead at a rapid rate”
– Carrick Janse van Rensburg – SPAR, Senior Retail Operations Manager
Feedback from our New Rules of Retail CT Open Session
Thoughts on the presentation:
“The open session was short and sweet, impactful and right to the point. I found Dion and his concepts very focused and extremely well presented. I really enjoyed the session and would definitely attend the next ones when I can.”Take home:
“Firstly, I think even if you are not in the business of retail, the observations and trends can apply to a wide audience. I thought it was an inspirational presentation, despite the seemingly gloomy trends in retail. Some very interesting trends were brought to light to assist people in their business direction. I would hope to attend a full day Laboratory next to see if there is more opportunity to explore solutions to the challenges arising in our society today.”What would you want companies that missed the presentation to take from what you saw from the retail presentation?
“If you missed out on Once More, with Feeling: New Rules of Retail, you should start by reading some of Flux Trends observations or signing up to their newsletter. They are tracking some serious game changers in business, locally and globally.”– Camila Gillman – South Africa Mohair Cluster, Sustainability and Market Development Liaison
Feedback from our New Rules of Retail JHB Open Session
Thoughts on the presentation:
“Our company works with big data specifically in the retail and manufacturing space, a lot of the insights that were mentioned we are seeing a lot of, especially in terms of retailer offerings to shoppers. I found it really insightful. I enjoyed it a lot especially in terms of the hybrid consumer and how online should find ways to integrate with the actual store.”Take home:
“… the comparison of data with your competitors across platforms, I think that is vital for retailers.”What would you want companies that missed the presentation to take from what you saw from the retail presentation?
“Retailers should think of ways to stretch their store space and not just making it about purchasing goods. Make it more functional than just a shopping space so I like the idea of merging an educational aspect to it.”
– Loretta Rwatirea – IRiThoughts on the presentation
“The presentation was very insightful, it forecasted trends and looked at trends that are currently being investigated in other countries. It was interesting to see where retail is going and forecasting the possibilities. Also the slow pace at which e-commerce is moving and seeing that bricks and mortar retail will always have a role to play.”
Take home
“Bricks and mortar retail will always have a role to play. How shopping centres and their offerings will change… it will become more of a social interaction and that is what shopping centres need to focus on, bringing elements of entertainment.”What would you want companies that missed the presentation to take from what you saw from the retail presentation?
“They should take hope from it. I think what’s happened in the past few years is mainly because of the economy, economies have a cycle. We are currently in the down cycle once the cycle turns we’ll see a growth in purchasing again”
– Dieter Boshoff – RNB WestportThoughts on the presentation
“The presentation was well thought out, it was very interesting. It was interesting to see how digitisation in a South African context still has a lot of potential.”Take Home
“The idea of mass customisation to a niche market.”What would you want companies that missed the presentation to take from what you saw from the retail presentation?
“They need to look at ways of utilising technology within the store – blend that line between offline and online.”
– Mart – Marie Ferreira – Le Coq SportifThoughts on the presentation
“The presentation was relevant to fashion retail and what we do and are trying to achieve. What was also very relevant to us, is the growth of the township economy and it’s true that people always overlook that sector.”Take home
“The concept of selling a solution instead of a product, I think that is what is going to separate brands from each other.”What would you want companies that missed the presentation to take from what you saw from the retail presentation?
“They should consider the concept of merging online and offline, which is important for companies whether you are in retail or not. Selling an experience is going to be very vital especially in South Africa where we are constantly building and expanding on malls. We need to consider if we are doing the right thing by always opening shop in every mall a developer builds.”
– Nicole Chetty – Edcon in Jet Marketing
Clients share what they think about our services…
Feedback from our Future of Finance Presentation presented by Bronwyn Williams
“Very informative with regards to the finance sector in general. It gave good insight and as someone who is about to enter the industry I’m always trying to equip myself with what’s happening and also seeing opportunities with regards to start ups… Things are definitely changing and it’s a matter on whose going to do it first. Banks are a bit slow in reacting, start-ups could catch up to them and pass them.”
– Sifiso Mtshali, Bcom Finance Student UNISA
“I love the session, I felt it was empowering especially as a young black female who is interested in this sector. There were interesting tips and case studies that were happening on a global level that can be applied in a South African climate… The trend of peer to peer payment stuck out for me.”
– Mbali Zondo , Senior Accounts Manager at Engage – Joe Public
“I really enjoyed the talk today, particularly the examples of apps and disruptors, I have taken down a whole list of them… The future is uncertain.”
– Allan Dewar, BSG
“I enjoyed the presentation, I thought it was good motivation to why the trends are happening, I like the way it was punctuated all the way through with interesting examples… Looking into some of the digital examples and taking note of some of the generational concerns.”
– Dave Martins, BSG
“This is my first time at a Flux Trends Open Session. I actually can’t wait to come to the next one. I got a completely different view of the industry. I was absolutely blown away. I found the case studies super helpful. I’m leaving so inspired… It shows that we have to move to being more digital that is where generations are going and that is where the future is.”
– Tracey Kroukamp, Noble Wealth Management
Feedback from our First Innovation Laboratory – A Masterclass by Dion Chang
“I absolutely loved today, it was amazing to think about disruption in business when people never really think about it, they talk about it all the time but they never really know how to do it, and I think Dion gave amazing examples of how to think about it. The interaction with people from different industries allowed us to think differently about disruption and a session like this is a great opportunity to stop and be open to ideas and really think about them from other industries perspective… I learned to set a specific time almost every week to think about how I’m going to disrupt and innovate.”
– Joy Garcia, Net#work BBDO
“Very interesting class, I would have loved to have a more deep dive on the section that looks at what innovative businesses do… It was a really good grounding of why innovation and disruption is so important for businesses to remain relevant and food for thought to what I need to be doing for my business to make us relevant for tomorrow.”
– Julia Scheffer, Alto Partners
“I learnt some new stuff, I just have to go home and think about how I am going to apply it. It’s meaningful to do a new elevated pitch to try articulate what I would want to do differently in our company.”
– Brad Shorkend, Urban Everest Lateral Thinking
“Very interesting talk, I learnt a lot. I expected to be the less informed person in the room, I was worried about that driving here in the morning. I have taken away a lot and the biggest thing I learnt is that we can set the the destiny of the industries that we are in and if you want to incite change, we have the golden recipe from the talk.”
– Chantel Sirakis, The Open Window (Pty) Ltd
“I really enjoyed the class, it was informative and reinforces a lot of the things that we are already doing, we do things and then forget and this talk reinforces what we are aiming for. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t come with more people from my company. I look forward to bringing more people to the next one… Seeing what Dion learnt from his New York trip, seeing what is possible and challenging yourself to think a bit wider.”
-Andre Swart, HPE
Standard Bank gives their feedback on our Trend Translation Workshop:
“When it comes to talking future trends and automation, there is only one company that stands out as experts in this field, Flux Trends and in particular, Dion Chang.
Dion in his capacity as trend analyst and thought leader, did not fail to enthuse our audience at a recent trends workshop. Being in the financial services industry it is important to stay abreast of future trends and change in order to best service our customers on our journey towards 2020.
The audience got to understand and alter their thinking about the stark reality of change and the pace at which it occurs. The Flux team had the daunting task of condensing a full day workshop into two hours, they still managed to deliver and get the audience excited. The presentations were excellent with the subsequent ideation sessions focussing on individualism, automation, millennials and skills and recruitment were fruitful, producing some solid ideas which our team will take forward and implement.
It was fantastic working with such a vibrant team who left us with so much food for thought!”
– Standard Bank, Integrated Operational Risk and Awareness Team.
“The preparation and flexibility by the Flux team was greatly appreciated considering the circumstances surrounding the initial cancelation and rescheduling of the workshop and presentation.
The sequence and content of the presentation struck a seamless balance between representing influential global trends and the internal risk environment… Dion and Sue were able to bring the message home with considerable finesse… I would definitely recommend and look for opportunities to work with you in future.”
– Standard Bank, Operational Risk Education and Awareness Team.
SA Innovation Summit 2016
“On behalf of the SA Innovation Summit Team we would like to thank you very much for being part of this year’s event. Thank you for the professionalism and the passion with which you have run each session showing to the participants how many shapes innovation can have. Thank you for your comprehension and flexibility… Your personal commitment to empower business people, entrepreneurs, academics as well as government is commendable and has real value in building our competency as a nation to add value through new products, processes, models and services. The only real way to develop a vibrant economy and a better life for all.
We hope to see you the next year.”
– Dr. Audrey Verhaeghe, Chairman of the SA Innovation Summit
“Dion Chang had the privilege to meet and work with dion chang back in 2011, simply one of the most inspiring innovators and thought-leader. Wishing I could just hop on a plane to Joburg to learn all about his insights.”
– Fabio Tambosi, Director, Global Football Brand Marketing at Nike
AMKA Thought Leadership Session
‘While many consultants and writers claim an ability to forecast trends and to understand their dynamics at the deepest level, Dion Chang does. More importantly, he is able to translate their relevance to you and your business in a way you can understand their importance and the opportunities they represent. We engaged Dion as a “wildcard” expert on African trends to provoke fresh thinking in our organization on the future forces that would shape our industry out to 2020. He did more, Dion provoked, educated and co-created with other thought leaders and our staff to produce a future roadmap for growth.’
-Bob Johnston from Insignia
To book this presentation contact Bethea on