
GateWAY to Heaven Afterlife Package

Posted by Flux on 

12 June 2024

24/7 365 access to the deceased.

If you want to change the world, this artefact brought back from an imagined future is an example of what can be created when you do our Worldweaving Workshop. So, what world do you wish to build?

Who was the group?  

The participants of this workshop were design industry professionals who attended Design Matters ’24 Mexico.

What is the product/service/experience?

The GateWAY to Heaven is an afterlife package for individuals who want to preserve the memory and existence of their loved ones. It allows people to upload and “communicate” with the consciousness of their loved ones once they’ve died. This package is an online platform that offers subscribers a digital Ouija board and a digital urn as part of the offering. The package is divided into three tiers and offers subscribers unique additional features. Each subscriber gets a free three-month trial. The package can be cancelled or upgraded to any one of the tiers available.

This object combines elements of technology and grief to create a service that helps people cope with the aftermath of loss, especially in cases where the loss is sudden. It manages the subscriber’s grief at their own pace on their terms, helping with the transition to a life without the presence of their loved one.

What were they exploring?

The participants began exploring longevity and how technology can aid in extending the lifespan of humans. They also considered cases where death was not a result of ageing but of the circumstance or the environment. That’s when they decided to define longevity as being able to use technology to transcend death. That is when the idea for this grief management platform started blossoming. It would allow the living to extend the mortality of the dead and thus aid them in dealing with their grief. The setting of this world is 2025. This world has a deteriorated quality of life, where the physical world is uninhabitable.

What trends did they start with?

The trends the participants explored were longevity, Generative AI and grief tech.

Who is the product meant to help?

This platform was created for anyone who is grappling with grief. It helps people to come to terms with loss and creates a space for healing and restoration.

Do you want to host an exhibition of The Museum of the Future in Flux in your digital or physical space? Contact Cloud at

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Click here for more information on our Practical Foresight Skills For Everyone Workshop.

Are you only interested in building worlds, products or services for future generations? Then the world-building workshop is perfect for you!

Click here for more information. 

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