The Insights from Generation Z 30 years on from Democracy

“So this is our chance to have a say, and for things to change…” – Representative
30 years on from South Africa’s democracy, Flux Trends and Student Village have joined forces to create this project to introduce South Africa – and the world – to its future.
A letter from Dion:
Generation Z, or the born free generation, were born into the democratic project and have come of age, yet they show little interest in democracy at the polls. Youthful voter apathy belies this generation’s potential, desire and commitment to radically change the world in their image – as can be attested to by the countless companies who have tried and failed to recruit and work with the “class of 2020” who graduated into the workforce post lockdown and have been disrupting it ever since.
“I don’t feel seen…”– Representative
The 30/30/30 Project is our opportunity to look deep into the lives of these young disruptors to understand who they are on a personal level, their career aspirations (or lack thereof) and their relationship with the idea of jobs and work in a country rife with youth unemployment, and their sense of civic duty and activism in the run-up to the 2024 election.
It gleans insight from 30 conversations with 30 Generation Z South Africans in the lead-up to the 30th year of democracy, and what promises to be a watershed election year. This project gives deep first-hand insights into the personal, professional and public lives of each of the 30 young participants, each from a different background.
This project aims to help civil society, political leaders, corporate South Africa and elders in general understand and work with rather than against their future. And, to give young South Africans the impetus and agency to vote in the next elections like their lives and their nation depends on it.
We have packaged these insights in a report available at the end of May.
If you are interested in empowering the future of South Africa, get your copy of this report!
Ronen Aires, Dion Chang and Bronwyn Williams unpack insights from the interviews:

Show your team | Get a private briefing/keynote/salon to unpack these insights. |
Go deeper | Commission us to deep dive into bespoke insight-lead ethnographic research into your future customer/employee and nation. |
Create your customer | Explore a Worldbuilding Workshop and get your hands dirty dreaming and building the world and how you want to serve it. |
Build your team | Book a Bridgebuilder Workshop, close the generation divide and dive into the future of work and how to manage it. |
Meet the future | Jump on a full on Immersion Tour and see, taste, touch the future – bring the insights to life and get inspired. |
Spread the word | Host a 30/30/30 Roadshow stop. |
Here are some insightful infographics generated from the study:

A special thanks to our partners

Contact Bethea Clayton at or +27764539405, if you are interested in exploring any of these options with your team or clients.