
The Expanding C-Suite

Posted by Flux on 

16 October 2022

There are many C-suite titles that have been emerging. The jobs of the big 3 CEOs have become considerably difficult with the advent of remote work and the complexities that the metaverse presents. Additional C-suite roles serve to assist traditional management structures [in addressing the growing challenges of the modern world of work, whilst also allowing room] for more voices to be heard. A recent Linkedin analysis found 51 unique C-suite titles which reflect the changing business landscape. 

Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
The CKO’s job is to manage their company’s intellectual capital. They oversee knowledge, information and content such as documents, training materials and patents.

Dr. Amanda Reiman, New Frontier Data 

Chief Happiness Officer (CHO)
Similar to Chief Wellbeing Officer and Chief People Officer, companies are hiring Chief Happiness Officers to oversee employee wellbeing. 

Tom Sacco, Happy Joe’s

Chief Metaverse Officer (CMVO)
Firms as varied as consumer giant P&G, Spanish telecom carrier Telefonica, advertising giant Publicis Group and luxury goods maker LVMH have decided they need a Chief Metaverse Officer. A metaverse strategy is becoming increasingly important for businesses. 

Cathy Hackl, Journey

Chief Experience Officer (CXO): 
A CXO oversees the user experience (UX) of their company’s customers which has become a significant differentiator in the business world. Products should be easy to use from the moment it has been unboxed. 

Adam Powers, twentysix 

Chief Remote Officer (CRO)
A large majority of companies do not know how to successfully navigate the world of remote work, a phenomenon that has become an important part of business. Hence the need for a Chief Remote Officer or Head of Remote. 

Liberty Planck, Gusto

And finally here is one amusing example:

Chief Tasting Officer
Kim Kardashian has been named Beyond Meat’s Chief Taste Consultant and Ethan, the dog, is the Chief Tasting Officer for Busch’s new beer for dogs.

There’s still debate about whether it is advantageous to have this many C-suite titles and whether these represent mere vanity titles. Whether there are three or ten only matters if these executives fulfil their roles and responsibilities effectively. 

By Faeeza Khan

This observation is a continuation of our previous observation – The New C-Suite.

To unpack the various trends and skills required to manoeuvre this shifting landscape of work, take a look at our The Lockdown Life Audit – Managing a Hybrid Workforce report. 

Image credit: Rawpixel

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